Update on Land Use Management (LUMO) Rewrite and Community Engagement Process.
Staff: |
Department: |
Colleen Willger, Director |
Planning |
Corey Liles, Planning Manager |
Diedra McEntyre, Principal Planner-Land Use |
Overview: Town Council adopted the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) - Update to Chapel Hill 2020 on December 9, 2020. The next step in Charting Chapel Hill’s future is to rewrite the Town’s Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO). As a part of this process the Transit and Planning Departments issued a Request for Proposal to consultants for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning and Unified Development Ordinance Visioning project. Tonight, the Council will receive an update on where we are in the contracting process and with this project.
The Council will also receive an update on the related public engagement process for visioning, including information about next steps for selecting a consultant and the timeline for moving ahead.

Recommendation(s): |
That the Council receive the presentation and provide feedback.
Fiscal Impact/Resources: TOD Planning Funding (Grant)/Town General Fund

Attachments: |
• Draft Staff Presentation |
• Engagement Overview |
The Agenda will reflect the text below and/or the motion text will be used during the meeting. |
PRESENTER: Diedra McEntyre, Principal Planner-Land Use
The purpose of this item is for the Council to receive the presentation and provide feedback on the Transit-Oriented Development Planning and Visioning for the Unified Development Ordinance.