Accept an Easement for the Bolin Creek Trail.
Linda Smith, Interim Director
Parks and Recreation
Bill Webster, Planning and Development Manager
Overview: The owners of the Stratford Hills Apartments property on Bolinwood Drive have offered to deed an additional greenway easement to the Town. The proposed easement expansion would be located on the north side of Bolin Creek from Bolinwood Drive to the Town's Police Department property. The existing trail was built in a 15 foot easement, immediately adjacent to Bolin Creek. The trail has been damaged from floods on a number of occasions, most notably during Hurricane Fran when large sections of the trail were lost. This proposal would expand the size of the current easement to approximately 50 feet wide, which would allow the Town to move the Bolin Creek Trail further from the creek.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting a greenway easement from the owners of Stratford Apartments in order to relocate the Bolin Creek Trail further from Bolin Creek.
Key Issues:
* Staff already planned to rebuild this part of the trail.
* The timing and location of this gift would allow us to relocate the trail away from a flood-prone area at the conclusion of the construction of the Bolin Creek Trail in the coal ash area east of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. We expect to finish this work in the summer of 2019, weather permitting.
* The owners of the property ask that the Town allow the easement area to be counted as Recreation Space requirements during the future redevelopment of the Stratford Hills Apartments property and/or redevelopment of their property at 881 Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd. Language to that effect is included in the attached Resolution.
* The owners of the Stratford Hills Apartments also own a property at 881 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. They request that the Town consider allowing the donated property to count toward Recreation...
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