Overview of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program and the Town's Role in Supporting LIHTC Projects.
Sarah O. Vi?as, Director
Affordable Housing and Community Connections
Emily Holt, Affordable Housing Development Officer
Overview: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the largest source of funding for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in the United States. LIHTC is a cornerstone of the Town's Affordable Housing Strategy and aligns with our Complete Community Framework by supporting the development of affordable rental projects that serve a range of affordability levels in amenity-rich, transit-oriented locations. This discussion item will provide an overview of the program and the role of the Town in supporting successful LIHTC projects.
That the Council receive information about the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program and the role of the Town in supporting successful LIHTC projects.
Overview of the LIHTC Program
* LIHTC is currently the primary tool available in the United States to develop affordable rental housing.
* Since the LIHTC program was enacted in the late 1980s, it has supported the construction or rehabilitation of over 2 million housing units for low- and moderate-income households, including more than 2,500 projects across 97 of North Carolina's 100 counties.
* The federal government allocates about $9 billion annually to state housing agencies who then award the credits to private developers of affordable rental housing projects through a competitive process.
* Developers generally sell the credits to private investors to obtain funding and once the housing project is in service, investors can claim the tax credit over a 10-year period.
* The LIHTC program is very competitive with specific timelines and scoring rules.
* Key elements of LIHTC scoring are aligned with the Council's Complete Community framework1, including affordability, transit ac...
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