Receive the Complete Community Draft Plan and Guidelines for Selecting a Pilot Project.
Staff: |
Department: |
Dwight Bassett |
Director of Economic Development |
Jennifer Keesmaat |
The Keesmaat Group |
The Complete Community initiative is a follow-up to the 2021 Housing Report. (Housing Report <https://www.townofchapelhill.org/home/showpublisheddocument/50141/637715343396500000>) This Housing Report suggested that we hire a global firm to explore how and where we could grow in the future to meet our housing demand and to identify a Pilot Project to set the tone of the intent and work.
The Town hired a team to complete the work: Jennifer Keesmaat & Alex Mather with The Keesmaat Group, Jennifer Hurley with Hurley~Franks & Associates, and Rod Stevens with Business Street.
As the team lead, Jennifer Keesmaat initiated the Complete Community work at the June Council Committee on Economic Sustainability meeting. (Presentation <https://www.townofchapelhill.org/home/showpublisheddocument/51694/637898405446470000>)
At a Town Council Work Session on June 21, 2022, Jennifer Keesmaat presented a schedule of outreach and deliverables to help Council address the community’s future housing needs. (Council meeting <https://chapelhill.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=983706&GUID=7D5ADCAF-B18E-4722-A73B-2C0719807D2F&Options=&Search=>)
The Team worked to develop a list of individuals to talk about Complete Community and gain perspective. At the same time, the Team developed a Capacity Analysis for the future housing growth of Chapel Hill and where it might occur.
Community outreach has included:
• Interviewed over 40 people,
• Held two focus groups,
• Hosted a Development Focus Group with 8 participants
• Held a Trails + Equity Focus Group had seven individuals, and
• Held community workshops to solicit the community’s input.
The goal of tonight’s presentation is to share a draft of the Complete Community Plan and guidelines for selecting a Pilot Project to show a first step in implementing the framework.
This will return to Council November 16, 2022 and December 7, 2022 for further consideration.
Additional information about this project may be found at: www.ChapelHillCompleteCommunity.org <http://www.ChapelHillCompleteCommunity.org>
Recommendation(s): |
That the Council receive the report and share feedback on the information presented this evening.
Fiscal Impact/Resources: Implementation of Pilot Project. Costs are not known at this point.
Where is this item in its process?
Attachments: |
• Draft Staff Presentation |
The Agenda will reflect the text below and/or the motion text will be used during the meeting. |
PRESENTER: Jennifer Keesmaat, The Keesmaat Group
RECOMMENDATION: That the Council receive the report and share feedback on the information presented this evening