East Rosemary Parking Deck Update.
Dwight Bassett, Economic Development
Manager's Office
Overview: General update on the East Rosemary Parking Deck project and consideration of parking technology.
General update:
* Walker Consulting developed Opinion of Probable Costs for Deck (financial)
* Completed TIA and created live modeling
* Discussed overall fa?ade design with recommendations (CDC & Council)
* Walker Consulting completed over-sight review of plans and made recommendations
* Reviewed comments from Walker's oversight review with design Team
* Endorsement of EDA and began due diligence period
* Submittal of LOI to UNC and reviewing returned draft
* Working on final draft Wallace Deck Lease and beginning final review of Management Agreement and Site License Agreement
* Davenport review of the Financial Projections Models presented to Council
* Initiated an oversight review of financial projections based on occupancy and demand
for parking by Walker Consultants
1. North Street property acquisition - Appraisal complete, offer made to property owner. The property owners are seeking their own appraisal but have found it may take months to complete.
2. North Street design - Plat to determine right-of-way complete, design firm to begin to work on design and intersection improvements in the coming weeks.
3. Walker oversight review - First review complete and shared with the design team. We held a work session to work through all the key points and changes and have a few issues left to negotiate.
4. Parking technology - Greater technology than the walk-up pay stations to be able to track uses in the Deck.
5. UNC LOI returned with comments from our team and we are working to schedule a joint working meeting to work through key issues.
6. Fa?ade Design - Rosemary Street/East Fa?ade: the architects have developed a potential refinement to the precast concrete "frame" in response to comments and truer colors. Sample...
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