Town of Chapel Hill header
File #: [20-0806]    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 8/31/2020 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 11/18/2020 Final action: 11/18/2020
Title: COVID-19 Update - UNC's Spring Semester Planning. (no attachment)
Attachments: 1. UNC Presentation
Related files: [20-0236], [20-0279], [20-0298], [20-0334], [20-0364], [20-0397], [20-0414], [20-0442], [20-0463], [20-0582], [20-0642], [20-0670], [20-0735], [20-0765], [20-0606]




COVID-19 Update - UNC’s Spring Semester Planning. (no attachment)








The Agenda will reflect the text below and/or the motion text will be used during the meeting.



PRESENTER: Darrell Jeter, Director of Emergency Management and Planning


The purpose of this item is for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill staff to provide an update on plans for the spring semester.