Approve a Chapel Hill Police Sole Source Purchase
Celisa Lehew, Chief of Police
Overview: The purpose of this project is to seek approval for the acceptance of a sole source purchase from VirTra Systems, a leading provider of cutting-edge simulation technology tailored for law enforcement training. The proposed acquisition includes a comprehensive suite of simulation equipment and software designed to enhance the effectiveness and realism of training and de-escalation tactics within our organization, reducing the need for the use of force and improving de-escalation skills.
That the Council That the Council approves the resolution accepting the sole source purchase from VirTra Systems for the acquisition of advanced simulation equipment. This decision is recommended based on the unique capabilities offered by VirTra's technology, including patented features such as the V-Threat-Fire(r) device, seamless integration of real and interactive video, and proprietary software solutions. By investing in VirTra Simulation Equipment, our organization will enhance the effectiveness of training programs for law enforcement and military personnel, ensuring readiness and proficiency in handling real-world scenarios while prioritizing safety and compliance with regulatory standards.
Decision Points:
* Approval of the resolution to accept the sole source purchase from VirTra Systems for the acquisition of advanced simulation equipment.
Fiscal Impact/Resources: The acquisition of the simulator equipment has no direct fiscal impact on the organization's budget, as it is fully funded by a grant that has already been accepted by the council. These grant funds are designated specifically for the acquisition of advanced simulation technology to enhance law enforcement training capabilities. Therefore, the acquisition will not incur any financial burden on the organization's operating budget or require additional appro...
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