Cultural Arts Commission Request for Name, Membership and Charge Changes.
Sabrina M. Oliver, Director and Town Clerk
Communications and Public Affairs
Amy T. Harvey, Deputy Town Clerk
Overview: Petitions and other similar requests submitted by the public, whether written or oral, are heard at the beginning of each regular meeting. Except in the case of urgency and unanimous vote of the Council members present, petitions will not be acted upon at the time presented. After receiving a petition, the Council shall, by simple motion, dispose of it as follows: consideration at a future regular Council meeting; referral to another board or committee for study and report; referral to the Town Manager for investigation and report; receive for information. See the Status of Petitions to Council <https://www.townofchapelhill.org/government/mayor-and-council/how-to-submit-a-petition/petition-status> webpage to track the petition. Receiving or referring of a petition does not constitute approval, agreement, or consent.
That the Council consider the petition.
• Cultural Arts Commission Request