FY2022-23 Chapel Hill Transit Budget Update and Orange County Transit Plan Update.
Brian M Litchfield
Transit Director
Overview: Chapel Hill Transit staff will provide Council with a presentation on project and financial information relevant to the development of the FY2022-23 Transit budget. The Public Transit Committee (Partners), comprising representatives from Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Carrboro and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is participating in the development of the draft budget for FY2022-23.
That the Council accept this presentation and provide feedback.
Chapel Hill Transit is a department of the Town of Chapel Hill and the second largest transit system in North Carolina. We are the public transportation provider for Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University). Chapel Hill Transit provides fixed-route bus services (20 weekday & 12 weekend routes) and EZ Rider (ADA Paratransit) services. Chapel Hill Transit has a fleet of 113 vehicles (93 fixed-route and 20 demand response).
The Transit Department is an enterprise fund of the Town of Chapel Hill and reflects financial participation by Carrboro and the University in annual operating and capital costs associated with the operation of Chapel Hill Transit on a contractual basis using the following formula:
Summary of Chapel Hill Transit Partner Contributions Formula:
1. The projected expenses for the year are totaled, and from that total we subtract all external sources of revenue. These include Federal and State assistance, other grant revenues, advertising revenues, and Tar Heel Express receipts. Those sources of revenue are generated by virtue of running the system as a whole. Subtracting those amounts yields a net local expense.
2. We then calculate the total number of service hours for the fiscal year, including all University direct routes, for which the University p...
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