Enact the Annual Budget Ordinance Amendment to Re-appropriate Funds for Prior Year Encumbrances and Other Commitments.
Amy Oland, Director
Business Management
Overview: Enacting the attached budget ordinance amendment appropriates funds for prior year encumbrances, previously approved grants, and capital improvement projects in various funds for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
That the Council enact the budget ordinance amendment to adjust for encumbrances and other commitments from FY 2020 to FY 2021.
Key Issues:
Each year, as the new fiscal year budget gets underway, we ask the Council to re-appropriate funds for activities that cross over July 1st. These activities were anticipated and planned for in our budget preparation and are for routine activities and longer-term projects.
* Encumbrances
Encumbrances are obligations the Town committed to before June 30, 2020 through a contract or a purchase order. Since the materials or services weren't delivered before June 30th, we need to re-appropriate those funds in the 2020-2021 budget. Staff recommends carrying forward a total of $5,696,978 across all funds from last year to the 2020-2021 budget.
* Other Commitments
In addition to outstanding contracts and purchase orders, there are items that were planned for in our budget preparation but not completed before June 30, 2020. These projects include: CARES funds $696,410, Rosemary Deck design $152,800, year three of the LUMO update $203,521, inspections software replacement $215,000, COVID-19 response $104,068, the penny for housing initiative $767,405, and stormwater subwatershed studies $200,000. Other carryforward items include workforce development training, Council-approved planning initiatives, police federal and state drug seizure funds, traffic studies, facility maintenance, technology projects, and other ongoing initiatives that were not encumbered. Staff recommends carrying forward a total of $3,25...
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