Award a Bid for Street Patching, Milling, Resurfacing, and Re-Striping on Town-Maintained Streets.
Staff: |
Department: |
Lance Norris, Director |
Public Works |
Mike Wright, Streets & Construction Superintendent |
Overview: The purpose of this item is to recommend that the Council award a bid to Daniels Inc. of Garner for street patching, milling, resurfacing, and re-striping Town-maintained streets.

Recommendation(s): |
That the Council:
• adopt the attached resolution awarding a bid and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a contract with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Daniels Inc. of Garner, in an amount of $1,254,954.05; and
• authorize the Town Manager to extend the base bid contract twice at the same base unit price by a one-year contract addendum if mutually agreeable to both parties (Town of Chapel Hill and the Contractor). (Unit prices for the bid alternates can be resubmitted with each contract extension addendum.)
Key Issues:
• A third-party Engineering Firm conducts a Pavement Condition Survey every other year to evaluate the condition of Town-maintained paved streets. To prioritize and select streets for resurfacing, staff considers the pavement condition rating from the survey and the use of the street for multiple modes of travel. Attached is a list of streets scheduled for resurfacing.
• The streets scheduled for resurfacing rated “Poor” to “Very Poor” with an average of “Very Poor” in the Town’s most recent Pavement Condition Survey.
• As part of our review process, Public Works distributed an extended list of streets under consideration for resurfacing to internal staff, including the Bicycle and Pedestrian Champion’s Team, and external entities, including local utility companies.
• In January 2023, the Transportation and Connectivity Advisory Board (TCAB) received a tentative street resurfacing plan based on the annual operating budget allocation, and approved the FY23 Proposed Resurfacing List.
• The Town solicited formal bids for street resurfacing on the Town website and received five responsive bids. Daniels Inc. of Garner was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
• This bid included three alternatives:
o Alternate #1 - Manhole Cover/ Water Valve Box Adjustments were included at the request of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). OWASA will obtain their own contractor to conduct the adjustments at their cost. This item is not included in the contract amount.
o Alternate #2 - Trackless Tack (a fast drying mix used to bond asphalt layers that minimizes vehicles tracking emulsified asphalt elsewhere) is included in the contract amount and will be covered by Town funds.
o Alternate #3 - Thermo-Plastic Pavement Markings. This bid alternate is included in the contract amount and will be covered by Town funds.
• The Town’s Emergency Management and Communications and Public Affairs Department will work with other Town staff to provide updates on resurfacing in coordination with other major construction projects in Town. Information on project progress will be available to the public on the Getting Around Chapel Hill webpage <https://www.townofchapelhill.org/residents/transportation/getting-around-chapel-hill>.
• Town staff will provide letters giving at least two weeks’ notice of construction to residences and businesses on the streets scheduled for resurfacing. No-Parking signs will be placed on the road at least 48 hours in advance of construction and will list the project start date.
Fiscal Impact/Resources: The proposed resurfacing list includes funding from FY22 ($635,068) as well as annual funding for FY23 ($568,515), and remaining Two-Thirds General Obligation Bonds (~$52,026). The FY22 resurfacing bids received were high, and we elected to carry the funds forward to FY23 in hopes that we will receive a more favorable bid with a larger scope project as proposed in FY23. The low bid received was more favorable compared to FY22.
Where is this item in its process?

Attachments: |
• Resolution |
• Map of Streets Scheduled for Resurfacing |
WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill solicited formal bids for street resurfacing on the Town website on January 13, 2023, in accordance with G.S. 143-129; and
WHEREAS, five responsive bids were received and opened on January 27, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the responsive bids were evaluated, and Daniels Inc. of Garner was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, the bid permits an increase or decrease of up to 25% in the scope of work.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to execute a contract with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Daniels Inc of Garner, in an amount of $1,254,954.05.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager is authorized to extend the base bid contract twice at the same base unit price by a one-year contract addendum if mutually agreeable to the Town and Daniels Inc of Garner.
This the 22nd day of February 2023.
The Agenda will reflect the text below, and/or the motion text will be used during the meeting. |
By adopting the resolution, the Council authorizes the execution of a contract with Daniels Inc. of Garner to provide street resurfacing services.